There is not much of a better time to organize and clean out your closet than the changing of the seasons. The cooler weather forces you to move aside your summer clothes for the winter clothes. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help you figure out what to get rid of:
  1. Do I wear this (meaning in the past year)?
  2. Does it have stains?
  3. Do the shoes look worn out?
  4. Does it project the image I am trying to project?
  5. The most hated question of them all, does it still fit?
Number 5 is a question that you may not like answering honestly, but let’s face it that the clothes you wore five years ago are not likely to magically get bigger and fit (I’m guilty).
Make different stacks as you go through your clothes. Clean the ones that you are keeping and have not worn a while. Go through your kids closets as well. You will be amazed at what you will find hiding in the corners of their closets (lost toys, favorite hats, and maybe hidden candy 😊) Go through your jacket collection and don’t forget to go through the pockets for hidden treasures. Use this opportunity to wipe out drawers and wipe off counters. Vacuum the area if carpeted. If not, sweep and mop the area. This area is likely frequently visited with dirty shoes. Put back your clean clothes that you washed. Stay organized as you put them back. Keep pants in one area, long sleeve shirts in one, and dresses in another. This will make the “what to wear” decision easier.
Teach Your Kids
Get the children involved in this process and donate the clothes to a charitable organization. Use this moment to teach your children that cleaning out your old clothes and shoes can help others. Don’t forget the toys they no longer play with. There are plenty of organizations that use donations for true good causes. There are also some that profit from it… no mention of the organizations, but you likely know them.
Here are a few great local organizations to donate your items to (call ahead to schedule or make arrangements for donations):
Anderson, SC – Salvation Army
106-112 Tolly St., Anderson, SC
Greenville, SC – Safe Harbor
2111-J N Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, SC 29609
Macon, GA – Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia
3375 Napier Avenue, Macon, GA 31204
478-743-5445 Ext 315
Finding hope in a closet!
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