Christmas time can be a very stressful holiday especially if you host any family gatherings. The best way to reduce that stress when it comes to cleaning is preparing and doing a little at a time. Waiting till the last minute will always result in a frantic state of mind. Take the list below and separate it into a few days of cleaning rather all in one.
Use all available hands – Assign tasks to other household members to help reduce the workload.
Deep clean the bathrooms – This room will likely be visited numerous times during your gathering. Be sure to have extra toilet paper and air fresheners within eye sight. Make sure there is enough hand soap and a clean hand towel for drying hands. Wipe down the mirrors.
Prepare for overnight visitors – Declutter any rooms where guests will be staying. Wash the sheets and vacuum or sweep the floors.
Clean the kitchen plus appliances – Clean out the fridge and make room for leftovers. Wipe down the range and counters. Clean the sink and drain. Wipe down the tables that you may be eating at.
Clean up around plants – If you have a live tree, vacuum up the dead needles. Be sure to pick up the dead leaves of any live plants in the house.
Sitting area – Fluff the couch cushions and pillows.
Entry way – Declutter the entry way and dust all surfaces including shelves, pictures, or art. Sweep of the front porch and mats. Clean any glass on the front door.
Clean trash receptacles and replace liners throughout the house. Make sure the house smells pleasant by either spraying air freshener throughout or lighting a few scented candles. Prepare for extra trash by making sure you have those large yard/trash bags.
You will likely need a good cleaning after the gathering as well. Recruit any visitors to help with doing a few things before leaving. This will leave you with a smaller cleaning list and more time to enjoy the rest of your holiday!
Holiday Housecleaning Tips