My Fair Maid® 864.760.0402 Open Monday-Friday 8AM - 5PM Fri, 24 Jan 2020 16:44:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Fair Maid® 32 32 194890846 Top 10 most commonly missed cleaning spots Fri, 24 Jan 2020 14:46:07 +0000
When we go out to clean a residence or business, it is common to miss some spots. Knowing this, we have implemented processes with our cleaners to ensure these spots are caught before leaving. At home, you clean what you see and typically miss some dirty areas. Here is a list of the 10 most commonly missed cleaning spots in your home.
  1. Trash cans – We all likely visit the trash can multiple times a day.  You may take the trash out, but don’t think about cleaning the thing that comes into contact with raw food, dust from the vacuum, and possibly diapers. So, there is an opportunity for some harmful bacteria to grow around this area. Empty the trash can and take it outside to wash it down with the hose. Spray disinfectant spray inside and out. Scrub down with a bristled brush and wash out with water.
  2. Under or behind appliances – Let’s be honest when is the last time you looked behind your washer and dryer? There is likely going to be a build up of dust. Move the appliances aside and sweep and wipe down the area. Behind the refrigerator is another common place to forget to clean. Move the refrigerator and sweep and wipe down the area.
  3. Dishwasher – Many don’t think about this appliance due to its purpose of cleaning your dishes and utensils. Run a cleaning cycle without anything inside. Once finished, clean around the drain and remove any leftover food particles that may be stuck. Remove anything clogged in holes of the spinning arms so water can flow freely. Wipe down along the seals and seams of the door with a damp cloth soaked in vinegar and lemon juice. Remove the utensil holder and wash with dish detergent. Run a cycle with 2 cups of vinegar in the bottom. Stop the cycle midwash and let it sit for at least 20 minutes. Finish the cycle and let dry. This will remove any hard water deposits.
  4. Coffee pot/maker – Over time, a build up will occur after usage. Cleaning with vinegar and water mixture is common. Your coffee maker will determine the cleaning process. Cleaning a Keurig is different from cleaning a French press or drip maker.
  5. Tv remotes – Remotes are touched and placed in mouths (babies of course😊) by just about everyone in the house multiple times a week. They are touched when sickness is in the house or when your kids come home from school and haven’t washed their hands as much as you would like. This can lead to potential spreading of germs throughout the family rather quickly. Wipe down with disinfectant wipes.
  6. Door knobs, handles, and light switches – Like the remotes, these are touched everyday regardless of the health of the one touching it. Wipe down with disinfectant wipes.
  7. Toothbrush holder – This item can have build-up on the inside of whatever is dripping down your toothbrush. It is easy to ignore but it is a item that can house bacteria. Soak with warm water and soap. Use a pipe cleaner to clean the inside.
  8. Inside the couch – Not only will you find change inside the couch, but leftover crumbs if you or your little ones eat on it. Pull out the cushions and vacuum the crumbs up.
  9. Shower head – Remove gunk from the shower head with a brush soaked in water and vinegar mixture. Then if still dirty, place a bag with the water and vinegar mixture over the shower head submerging it. Leave on for about 1 hour and then run hot water when finished.
  10. Toilet handles – You may clean your toilet, but do you remember the handles? Wipe down the handles with disinfectant wipes.
If you need help cleaning these commonly missed spots or any other cleaning services, My Fair Maid will sweep you off your feet!
10 signs that you need to clean your home! Thu, 02 Jan 2020 18:54:26 +0000
  1. The laundry room has a funky smell – The laundry room cleans clothes, but it also usually has a load or two of dirty laundry in it as well. Rather than waiting to clean these dirty clothes, wash them on the small load setting of your washing machine. This more frequent washing will keep that funky smell away.
  2. The grout of your tile has magically changed colors – This may be due to mold or it could be dirt and grime. This is a sign that you need to clean your grout. There are cleaning chemicals specifically for grout which work great.
  3. There is a ring around your toilet bowl – Typically the water itself will leave rings around your toilet, but let’s face it, toilets are nasty and need to be cleaned periodically.
  4. Sightings of bugs – Bugs are going to get into your home eventually regardless of using pest control sprays. Pay attention to the types of bugs you see as they can tell you what issues your home may have. Silverfish are common bugs to see but because they are so hard to get rid of once you have them. They feed on fabric, paper, glue, and cardboard. Ants are typically seen in the kitchen or bathroom due to seeking food, water, or shelter. Stinkbugs live outside but love to find cozy warm spots to hibernate. Don’t squash them or you’ll end up attracting more! Fruit flies are commonly seen if you have fruit around. Store soft fruit in the fridge and wipe down any areas that were in contact with the exposed fruit to get rid of the flies. Centipedes are the good bugs to see. They get rid of the bad bugs and do not contaminate or destroy your home. There are more bugs that are common to dirty homes but let’s not gross you out anymore for the moment.
  5. Someone sick in the home – A sick person is known to spread their sickness to others within close proximity. A home can house these germs and pass along the sickness to others that contact items touched by the sick person. Clean sheets, knobs, light switches, and other commonly touched areas with disinfectant cleaning wipes or sprays. Regular house cleaning kills germs.
  6. Constant allergies – Regular house cleaning will reduce the number of allergies of someone who suffers from allergies. Vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the linens, and cleaning the vents will improve air quality.
  7. Can’t find items – Do you ever look for something and can’t find it? Well obviously, we all do but we can reduce this by merely cleaning and having a specific place for each item. Don’t clean to remove clutter by stuffing it somewhere else. Place items in the same place each time so that you will always be able to find that specific item.
  8. Having company over – This may or may not be a common thing for your home, but it’s usually a time that you will prepare for by cleaning. If you clean regularly, this will be much less of a headache.
  9. Stress – The effects of a clean home on the people that live in it has been studied and shown to reduce stress levels. You and your family will be much happier and will have more time to enjoy each other’s company.
  10. You can’t remember the last time that you did! – If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned, then that’s your sign that it’s time to clean.
Here comes Santa Claus, here come Santa Claus… Thu, 12 Dec 2019 13:30:41 +0000
Uh oh, Christmas is here! It happens every year but seems to come faster and faster each time. Not only are you likely a little late on buying and wrapping presents, but you may also have multiple work, friend, or family events coming up soon. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for this hectic time of year!
  1. Buy online – Buying presents online can take a major headache off your plate. You can avoid the traffic and the grumpy grinches that are out. You better hurry though or your presents may not make it to your home in time! You could always buy a house cleaning as a present to your loved one from us too!
  2. Hosting an event? – Plan a week in advance of the event. This will lighten the load that you would otherwise have to do last minute. Walk through your home and scope out the areas that need cleaning attention. Clean a few areas each day during the preparation week. If providing food, ask guests to bring items if able to help with the load. Have plenty of trash bags on hand for the wrapping paper and boxes from opening presents.
  3. Wrapping presents – If you do happen to go out shopping, make sure to take advantage of any free gift-wrapping services. You would be surprised at the amount of places that offer this to help draw in customers. Wrap presents as soon as possible rather than waiting to do them all at once.
  4. Plan fun activities for your kids – This time of year is special as a kid. Most kids will remember the fun things that you have done through the years. You don’t have to spend money to make these memories. You could simply curl up on the couch by the fire and watch Christmas movies. Decorate the tree as a family. Talk about the meaning behind any decorations that have been passed down. Talk to your kids about what types of presents you received as kids. The most important thing of all that this holiday season represents is to help your kids appreciate for what you do have and if able, help provide for those that do not have.
  5. Help someone else – I touched on this just above but wanted to express how important this is in the raising and development of compassionate children. Subject your children to the different walks of life and you will see them develop a passion for people. There are numerous organizations that specifically help during this time of year and some year-round. You do not have to give money or gifts to help someone. You can volunteer at many of these organizations without making any type of donations. Find an organization that allows a child to help along with you. You and your children will find great joy in helping others more so than the gifts that will be received.
If you do feel that you may need help with any cleaning needs during this holiday season, give us a chance to sweep you off your feet!
Merry Christmas from My Fair Maid®! 
The best ways to prepare for Thanksgiving! Fri, 08 Nov 2019 19:17:33 +0000
Thanksgiving can be a stressful time especially if hosting family or friends. The key is to prepare beforehand for this joyful time. Most people are thinking about what things to cook and dishes to serve them on while cleaning the house gets left out of mind until you remember while in the middle of cooking. So, this year let’s think clean first and then worry about the food.
Break the cleaning up into chunks over a three day period before the guests arrive. This will make it easier to achieve and it is much less stressful.
  • Start with the most visited common areas. Put items away that you would typically not have in these areas. The easiest thing to do would be to carry a clothes hamper or box around and put all of these items in it. Then put them up in the appropriate place.
  • Vacuum or sweep and mop all corners of the room where dust tends to gather. Move furniture to get the places that are typically left out.
  • Dust off the furniture and bookcases. Dust off the fan blades. Dust off the air vents. Don’t forget to clean the dust off of your blinds.
  • Repeat these steps in the rest of the rooms until all rooms have been cleaned.
  • Move on to the bathrooms by starting with scrubbing the toilet with a brush and cleaner.
  • Wash and place clean hand towels up to be used during the gathering.
  • Clean the mirrors and refill the soap if needed.
  • Scrub down the shower and tub for overnight guests.
  • Organize any other items on counters or shelves. Take out medicine that may be in reach of small children.
  • Lastly, let’s clean the out the fridge before visiting the grocery store.
  • Throw out old items and make room for food that you are about to buy.
  • Wipe down shelves and drawers.
  • Check to make sure ice maker is working properly. If not, don’t forget to pick up some ice.
  • Now is a good time to make sure all dishes, plates, and glasses being used are clean.
  • The day of arrival, sweep or vacuum the common areas one last time. Wipe down eating areas.
This may seem like a long list of things to do, but this can be very easily achieved if you start a few days ahead of time. You will enjoy the holiday much more if you do! Happy Thanksgiving!
Finding hope in a closet! Thu, 17 Oct 2019 19:12:14 +0000
There is not much of a better time to organize and clean out your closet than the changing of the seasons. The cooler weather forces you to move aside your summer clothes for the winter clothes. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help you figure out what to get rid of:
  1. Do I wear this (meaning in the past year)?
  2. Does it have stains?
  3. Do the shoes look worn out?
  4. Does it project the image I am trying to project?
  5. The most hated question of them all, does it still fit?
Number 5 is a question that you may not like answering honestly, but let’s face it that the clothes you wore five years ago are not likely to magically get bigger and fit (I’m guilty).
Make different stacks as you go through your clothes. Clean the ones that you are keeping and have not worn a while. Go through your kids closets as well. You will be amazed at what you will find hiding in the corners of their closets (lost toys, favorite hats, and maybe hidden candy 😊) Go through your jacket collection and don’t forget to go through the pockets for hidden treasures. Use this opportunity to wipe out drawers and wipe off counters. Vacuum the area if carpeted. If not, sweep and mop the area. This area is likely frequently visited with dirty shoes. Put back your clean clothes that you washed. Stay organized as you put them back. Keep pants in one area, long sleeve shirts in one, and dresses in another. This will make the “what to wear” decision easier.
Teach Your Kids
Get the children involved in this process and donate the clothes to a charitable organization. Use this moment to teach your children that cleaning out your old clothes and shoes can help others. Don’t forget the toys they no longer play with. There are plenty of organizations that use donations for true good causes. There are also some that profit from it… no mention of the organizations, but you likely know them.
Here are a few great local organizations to donate your items to (call ahead to schedule or make arrangements for donations):
Anderson, SC – Salvation Army
106-112 Tolly St., Anderson, SC
Greenville, SC – Safe Harbor
2111-J N Pleasantburg Drive, Greenville, SC 29609
Macon, GA – Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia
3375 Napier Avenue, Macon, GA 31204
478-743-5445 Ext 315
How to clean the stink out of your washing machine! Thu, 03 Oct 2019 16:46:26 +0000
Does your washing machine have an unpleasant smell? Washing machines develop mold and mildew over time due to moisture still being present after use. This mold has a unique smell which can sometimes be foul smelling. There is no need to buy those expensive washing machine cleaners when this way is cheaper and works better from our experience. It is recommended that the lid be left open after each use to help the moisture evaporate quicker. Follow the simple steps below every six months to clean that mold or mildew.
  1. Wet a rag with white vinegar and wipe down the top of the agitator and areas that have hard water lines or detergent build up.
  2. Set your water temperature and filling level as high as it will go on your washing machine.
  3. Start your washer and allow it to fill up for a few minutes.
  4. Open the lid and pour in 4 cups of white vinegar into the hot water. (Add vinegar into detergent dispenser for a front load.)
  5. Allow to sit for an hour.
  6. After the hour is up, finish the wash cycle.
  7. Start another cycle with the same settings and procedure except add a half cup of baking soda to the water instead of using white vinegar. (Mix baking soda with water and then pour into detergent dispenser for a front load.)
  8. Leave the lid open after cleaning to speed up the drying time inside.
  9. Repeat every six months!
The Ultimate Cleaning List Before Decorating for Fall Tue, 17 Sep 2019 19:24:59 +0000

Fall is one of the most anticipated seasons around the southern part of the US due to the brutal heat of the summer. It brings cooler weather, changing of the leaves, football, and Halloween. Most will buy new pumpkin spice candles and place them throughout the house or put up other decorations. Before you put up those decorations, make your way through this ultimate list of cleaning before decorating for fall.


  • Clean the grout with a vinegar/water mixture and a brush. Test an area to see if a stronger mixture is required to clean. Use a 50/50 bleach/water mixture if needed. Remember to use gloves so you don’t get any chemical burns.
  • Clean behind and under the refrigerator.
  • Dust the tops of the cabinets.
  • Wipe down the cabinets with a mild soap and water mixture.
  • Polish and seal granite countertops.
  • Clean the inside of the dishwasher. Wipe down with a mild soap and water mixture.
  • Clean the inside of the refrigerator. Pull everything out and wipe down with mild soap and water mixture.


  • Clean the grout as the same above.
  • Spray and clean the corners of the shower or tub area with a bathroom or shower cleaner.
  • Clean behind the toilets.
  • Polish and seal granite countertops.
  • Wipe down cabinets with a mild soap and water mixture.


  • Wash the curtains.
  • Dust the tops of the door frames.
  • Flip mattresses.
  • Vacuum under the beds.
  • Switch out seasonal clothes.

Living areas

  • Take out couch cushions and vacuum all the crumbs the little ones left behind.
  • Vacuum under the couches and chairs.
  • Wash the walls with a mild soap and water mixture.
  • Clean remote controls and tv screens.
  • Clean doorknobs and light switches.
7 Steps to Cleaning Less and Keeping the House Happy Thu, 05 Sep 2019 17:24:28 +0000

The dreaded cleaning day can be a hassle especially with a house full of kids. There are some ways to lighten the load on you individually and spread out the tasks while keeping everyone in the house happy. You will need to make a schedule of tasks.

  1. Determine the length of time for your list. For instance, a weekly schedule or monthly schedule.

  2. Once the timetable has been determined, write down your tasks on the list.

  3. Write down the frequency of the tasks and whom they are assigned to.

  4. Place the list on the fridge or somewhere visited often by anyone.

  5. Give incentives to everyone assigned to tasks. This may be a hard one for some. Let’s don’t make it difficult. Screen time, popsicles, play time with friends, golf for the dads, and park visits are all great incentives in completing daily or weekly tasks.

  6. For all tasks completed, check them off as you go.

  7. Stick to it and repeat! This will greatly lighten your load and keep you house nice and clean. Your kids may even be happy while cleaning! 😊

Create Your Chore List HERE -- Don't forget to Download it after!

Clean that dirty athletic gear! Fri, 23 Aug 2019 14:16:22 +0000

Fall Sports and Dirty Gear

With the start of the new school year brings on new activities and sports for your kids. Think about the football pads, helmets, and shoes that are about to be used that were laying in the garage or in a closet for the past year. More than likely, that gear was not cleaned before it was put away. So what better time than now to clean it before it is used for the new season?

1.       Football pads, shin guards, and shoes – Remove any visible dirt simply by shaking it or brushing it off. Use disinfectant wipes to wipe down the equipment and tops of the shoes. Make sure to lift and get into the areas that haven’t been as exposed to the air. After this has been done one time covering every square inch of the pads and shoes, do it again. Wiping them down another time will ensure that you truly covered all areas.

2.       Baseball/Softball and football helmets – Most helmets have pads on the inside that can be removed. They are typically held on by Velcro and can be reinserted. Take the pads out if possible and wipe down with disinfectant wipes. Be sure to get the forehead and ear area good. These are typical spots where there is constant contact to the skin and where sweat accumulates.

3.       Storage after practice or games – Do not store the gear used in enclosed spaces such as a bag in between use. The gear needs to be exposed to dry out between uses. Enclosed spaces actually help the bacteria to increase and leads to the gear smelling foul due to the moisture never dissipating.

4.       Make it routine to clean after each use – Give your child some responsibility in their equipment being used and teach them how to clean it. Cleaning after each use quickly with a few disinfectant wipes will reduce the bacteria level and help your child appreciate the expensive gear.

5.       Deodorize the inside of shoes – Sprinkle some baking soda inside the shoes to eliminate the foul smells or go get some of those deodorant balls specifically made for shoes. Wash the shoes in the washing machine by themselves if the odor is too strong. Be sure to remove the shoestrings first.

Who uses the garage for a car? Thu, 14 Feb 2019 18:38:39 +0000

Your garage is likely filled with unused household items, yard equipment, and if there is any room left, a vehicle or two. When is the last time you looked in the corners of your garage? I bet you find cobwebs and dead bugs! Do you really need any of the contents of that box which hasn’t been opened since you moved in? Likely no, so let’s take a minute and go through some helpful tips to taking back your garage.

  1. Open your garage and pull the boxes out into the open. Go through the boxes and get rid of the things you don’t need. You should be able to find local churches that will gladly take donations as some provide help for local families.
  2. Sweep or blow out your garage. Make sure to get those corners! Look up high for cobwebs as well.
  3. Hose it down with water and soap to get rid of any stains. Take a sponge and scrub baseboards and windows.
  4. Get some graphite spray at your local hardware store and lubricate all moving parts. This will keep your door quiet and functioning longer.
  5. For any items you decide to keep, let’s figure out a way to organize it using the space wisely. Everyone wants to use their garage to put their car in it!
  6. Look up high and take advantage of that space for storage. Ceiling storage systems are available relatively cheap and can free up a good amount of space.

You will feel so productive after doing this! This can be hard work but it makes things convenient for those cold mornings.
