Fall Sports and Dirty Gear
With the start of the new school year brings on new activities and sports for your kids. Think about the football pads, helmets, and shoes that are about to be used that were laying in the garage or in a closet for the past year. More than likely, that gear was not cleaned before it was put away. So what better time than now to clean it before it is used for the new season?
1. Football pads, shin guards, and shoes – Remove any visible dirt simply by shaking it or brushing it off. Use disinfectant wipes to wipe down the equipment and tops of the shoes. Make sure to lift and get into the areas that haven’t been as exposed to the air. After this has been done one time covering every square inch of the pads and shoes, do it again. Wiping them down another time will ensure that you truly covered all areas.
2. Baseball/Softball and football helmets – Most helmets have pads on the inside that can be removed. They are typically held on by Velcro and can be reinserted. Take the pads out if possible and wipe down with disinfectant wipes. Be sure to get the forehead and ear area good. These are typical spots where there is constant contact to the skin and where sweat accumulates.
3. Storage after practice or games – Do not store the gear used in enclosed spaces such as a bag in between use. The gear needs to be exposed to dry out between uses. Enclosed spaces actually help the bacteria to increase and leads to the gear smelling foul due to the moisture never dissipating.
4. Make it routine to clean after each use – Give your child some responsibility in their equipment being used and teach them how to clean it. Cleaning after each use quickly with a few disinfectant wipes will reduce the bacteria level and help your child appreciate the expensive gear.
5. Deodorize the inside of shoes – Sprinkle some baking soda inside the shoes to eliminate the foul smells or go get some of those deodorant balls specifically made for shoes. Wash the shoes in the washing machine by themselves if the odor is too strong. Be sure to remove the shoestrings first.
Clean that dirty athletic gear!