The laundry room has a funky smell – The laundry room cleans clothes, but it also usually has a load or two of dirty laundry in it as well. Rather than waiting to clean these dirty clothes, wash them on the small load setting of your washing machine. This more frequent washing will keep that funky smell away.
The grout of your tile has magically changed colors – This may be due to mold or it could be dirt and grime. This is a sign that you need to clean your grout. There are cleaning chemicals specifically for grout which work great.
There is a ring around your toilet bowl – Typically the water itself will leave rings around your toilet, but let’s face it, toilets are nasty and need to be cleaned periodically.
Sightings of bugs – Bugs are going to get into your home eventually regardless of using pest control sprays. Pay attention to the types of bugs you see as they can tell you what issues your home may have. Silverfish are common bugs to see but because they are so hard to get rid of once you have them. They feed on fabric, paper, glue, and cardboard. Ants are typically seen in the kitchen or bathroom due to seeking food, water, or shelter. Stinkbugs live outside but love to find cozy warm spots to hibernate. Don’t squash them or you’ll end up attracting more! Fruit flies are commonly seen if you have fruit around. Store soft fruit in the fridge and wipe down any areas that were in contact with the exposed fruit to get rid of the flies. Centipedes are the good bugs to see. They get rid of the bad bugs and do not contaminate or destroy your home. There are more bugs that are common to dirty homes but let’s not gross you out anymore for the moment.
Someone sick in the home – A sick person is known to spread their sickness to others within close proximity. A home can house these germs and pass along the sickness to others that contact items touched by the sick person. Clean sheets, knobs, light switches, and other commonly touched areas with disinfectant cleaning wipes or sprays. Regular house cleaning kills germs.
Constant allergies – Regular house cleaning will reduce the number of allergies of someone who suffers from allergies. Vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the linens, and cleaning the vents will improve air quality.
Can’t find items – Do you ever look for something and can’t find it? Well obviously, we all do but we can reduce this by merely cleaning and having a specific place for each item. Don’t clean to remove clutter by stuffing it somewhere else. Place items in the same place each time so that you will always be able to find that specific item.
Having company over – This may or may not be a common thing for your home, but it’s usually a time that you will prepare for by cleaning. If you clean regularly, this will be much less of a headache.
Stress – The effects of a clean home on the people that live in it has been studied and shown to reduce stress levels. You and your family will be much happier and will have more time to enjoy each other’s company.
You can’t remember the last time that you did! – If you can’t remember the last time you cleaned, then that’s your sign that it’s time to clean.
10 signs that you need to clean your home!